Sunday, August 8, 2010

Tool # 11 Digital Citizenship

Citizenship reflects the interaction of an individual with a community base in a social contract to handle, properly, the safe relations among each individual in community benefit.
With almost unlimited ways to interact with others, including those peers at the school, within the School District, and beyond, one of the main thing we need to be aware is students security, and teach them how to act technological responsible.
A series of indications to conduct a responsible use of technology, a permanent monitoring of their activities and actions from us as a teachers at school, as well as their parents at home.
Etiquete of course will be usefull to conduct them with maners, but the most useful way to keep my students on task with out need to insist to avboid unproper internet sites nor mobile applications, is on one side applications disponibility, activities monitoring, and a stron CLASS MANAGEMENT. I need as a techer to set high expectations, but also to set clear objectives and very clear consecuences when he/she fails to commit the digital citizenship.
I think a good activity for the first week of school will be to write our own SOCIAL CONTRACT, further more a STUDENT'S PLEDGE

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